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  • Do a thorough exfoliation 1-2 days prior with a rough exfoliating mitt.  A loofah does not do enough exfoliating. Getting rid of a layer of dead skin is very important and will ensure that you get the best results from your tan, one that lasts the longest with the most natural look and fade. Healthy skin tans best! 

  • Follow with a good moisturization.

  • Shave the day or two before your tan, not the day of it.

  • Any waxing should be done at least 24 hours prior 

  • On the day of your tan, take a shower with water only.  Don't use soap, lotions/oils, shaving, or perfume that day. Deodorant, if applied, can be removed at our studio prior to the tan. 

  • Makeup can be applied on the day of the tan, and then removed with our makeup wipes 

  • During your tan, most prefer topless and a thong or nude - this minimizes tan lines and everyone's buns look better tan! :) 

  • Wear loose, darker clothing afterward and ideally flip flops


  • Rinse off timing is based on the type of tan.  Standard spray tans are best with 10-12 hours before rinse.  The Rapid rinse must be 2-4 hours from your appointment time, It will vary depending on your desired darkness level.  It is important to rinse at the agreed upon time, to get the desired tan. 

  • First shower should be a quick, water only shower, with no soap.  Pat dry. No or very very little lotion until the tan is fully developed

  • Daily moisturizing is the most important thing to give your tan longevity! Use a high quality moisturizer.  We sell Hempz at great prices, if you need. Read more here!

  • Stay hydrated drinking a lot of water. Skin is hydrated largely from within.

  • We offer tan extending lotions which are professional lotions with a bit of sunless tanner to add back to your sunless tan, as it fades.  Using these can extend you tan 3-7 days. These are a client favorite! Read more here!

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